Making Homemade Wrapping Paper

We’ve had a week (and then some) from hell! The lurgy officially hit the house last week and, rather than leave, has gotten progressively worse and worse.

I’ve spent each day, strapped mainly to the sofa with either a crying, snotty toddler on my knee or a crying, puking baby on my boob. THIS is reality parenting!

So, getting a bit fed up of being so limited with my uses/freedom, I decided to do a little Christmas activity. Scoured Pinterest and this was the easiest activity I could find.

Hope you enjoy! Hubby just finished work. I’m off for a strong one. Cheers! 😉🍻


Just managed to make this beautiful, homemade, wrapping paper, with a sick baby and crazy toddler. So easy I had to share. If I can do it, anyone can!

Half a potato – cut out picture of choice (tree, bauble, snowman, santa etc…)

– Brown paper

– Towel for under the paper to help get a good print

– Kids paint (I used Ikea green and black in picture)

– 1 paint brush

– 1 toddler/child/adult and a bucket of soapy water for those messy little hands!

OPTIONAL: Once dry, finger paint different colour baubles on trees

Easy peasy! 👌🏻😍🌲